How Travel Agents Can Thrive In Uncertain Times

Blog Author
Ryan McElroy

When facing uncertainty, pay attention to the things of which you are sure.
I've personally been making use of this downtime and the summer break to pursue a course called "The 30 days of excellence" with Jesse Itzler, Chad Wright and Mark Brown.

During a Q&A session, someone asked, "how do you deal with uncertainty?". Even though I've heard similar responses to the answer given, there was something different and powerful about hearing it again this time. From the host's response to the question asked, I reminded that in dealing with uncertain times such as the one we are currently in, that we have to double down on what is sure. 

The host is sure that when he went to bed the night before, the sun would rise the next morning. He is satisfied that if he did all the things within his control during the day, then he would get to his goals.

When facing uncertainty, you have to pay attention to the things of which you are sure. You can be certain of your effort, your processes and what you do to get to where you are going, you are confident in your state of mind and accept that things will continue to change if you are always doing the right thing.

With uncertainty, you have to leverage and buckle down on what you do not have to second guess. Of course, some people would say that you can control what you can control, and forget about what you can't control.

Right now, we are all in need of a reminder that there are things that we can control, like effort, work ethic, learning, listening and goal setting.

I wanted to take this opportunity to extend this reminder, that when our industry comes back, and this moment is over, the demand is going to be so great - it will hit us. We can't afford to go down into the rabbit hole that is uncertainty.

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