Back in 2011 we realized that online marketing for Travel Agencies barely existed. Many of our friends in the travel industry had websites that never got them a single piece of business in the years online.

Our competitors in the industry were mainly concerned with putting up as many web 1.0 sites for agents as possible that contained booking engines, cookie-cutter deals and almost no way for an agent to showcase the personal services they offered to the public.

At first we started by creating more modern websites that focussed on lead generation. And we did pretty well with that. Every week there were reports of new bookings that created a lifeline of new customers for many agencies.

The sites we built were thorougly SEO optimized, had calls to actions and were mobile friendly. Additionally we created tools to help create new content, send newsletters, manage leads and analyze everything that was happening.

And accidentally, we realized that behind all the technology, our mission was simple:

We get more customers for travel agencies.

But there was still a new direction to take.

Agents were spending a lot of time serving their customers, but not enough time creating new content, writing engaging newsletters and showing even more value to customers before, during and after booking. We had to help more. We extended that mission statement:

We get more customers for your agency that stay longer and you don't have to lift a finger.

So yes, we create all the technology to make a travel agency's online presence dynamic, easy to update and cross all the new channels that today's savvy travel consumer expects.

But now we give back agencies their time.

Spend your time servicing your customers. We'll work on creating all the digital content that keeps new ones coming in, reactivates all the old ones and solidifies your reputation in the the only future marketplace that's going to matter - online.