SEO for Travel Agencies

Blog Author
Ryan McElroy
Can people find your Travel Agency on google in your city?

If your agency website is not properly optimized, then customers cannot find your services, unless they already know your name. But you want new customers to find you by what you do, not by your name, right?

The phrase “[service or product] near me” is currently one of the most popular things in google now, and if your agency is not ranking for your products in Google, Bing, Yahoo or other search engines, then you are invisible to potential travellers in the area your travel agency services.

If your Travel Agency website is on the Travel Agency Tribes platform - we built it from the ground up with modern Search Engine Optimization techniques so your site will definitely be ranked highly in the search engines for the services you provide in your area.

Sure, you can search for your Travel Agency by name right now in Google and you’ll find it (hopefully). But what if you searched for “Travel Agency in [your location]” what would you find? Where will you be ranked? Please try this now -- we’ll wait.

Here are some easy ways to tell if your website is ranking well in Google:
Search for “” to see how many pages are ranked
Search for “cruises in [your location]”
Search for “travel agent in [your location]”
Search for “[your agency name]”
Search for “[your name]”

If you’re not ranked, as you would like, contact Travel Agency Tribes for a consultation. You will get advice on how your website can be transformed so you rank for all the above searches very quickly.

Travel Agency Tribes has been handling the online marketing for more than a thousand travel agencies across the United States and Canada since 2012. There is a depth of experience in Search Engine Optimization for the travel industry that simply is not available from general SEO agencies.

Start getting more leads for travel consultations. Proudly tell your customers to just “search for us in Google”. That’s what the Travel Agency Tribes SEO expertise will do for you.

With a consultation, you’ll learn about the 360 degree marketing that involves email, social media, website and lead generation that your Travel agency can benefit from. And there are no long term contracts - you can end your service at any time if you’re not satisfied. But if there’s any indication from satisfied customers over many years -- you will be very happy.

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