Facebook Advertising for Travel Agencies

Blog Author
Ryan McElroy
Is your Facebook Advertising just wasting money?

With the millions of businesses on Facebook, competition for customers is fierce and if your ads do not get the interaction you’d like it can really put a dent in your wallet.

Facebook has over 1.5 billion active users daily, imagine the number of sales that are available to you. Having the right sort of advertising strategy will help capture new leads or drive traffic to your site.

Even though likes, followers and comments are great, you want that audience to not just know you on Facebook's platform but your own website. By creating high-value advertising on Facebook that isn't confusing or ignored, you actually bring users from the platform directly to your site .

Here are some ways to know if your Facebook advertising is effective or not:

Are your facebook ads targeting the right audience?
Are you running A/B tests?
Are people getting bored of your facebook ads?
Is your advertisement giving value? Or is just BUY NOW! 50% OFF!!

Figuring out all of this can become demanding over time and a full-time job. Don’t use your precious time to create Facebook ads that don’t perform. Whether it's building the brand of your travel agency, creating new leads, or driving traffic to your site, leave into the hands of Travel Agency Tribes.

Travel Agency has been serving nearly 2,000 travel agencies throughout the United States and Canada since 2012.

Get more sales traffic and leads, from your Facebook marketing, while controlling your budget. Stop worrying about what should be in your ads, who to target them to, and how much to spend. Instead, take your time to focus on the high revenue tasks that you and your agency do best.

With a Facebook Marketing consultation, you’ll learn about the 360-degree marketing that involves email, social media, website, and lead generation that your travel agency will benefit from. And there are no long term contracts - you can end your service at any time if you’re not satisfied. But if there’s any indication from satisfied customers over many years -- you will be very happy.

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