Email Marketing for Travel Agencies

Blog Author
Ryan McElroy
Are your emails attracting or driving away customers? Or are you even sending emails in the first place?

Studies show that email marketing is the most powerful and cost-effective way to bring customer’s back time and time again. Newsletters return an astounding $38 for every single dollar spent.

But are you doing it the right way? Something you would hope to avoid is for your agency's emails to just be skimmed, or worse, immediately deleted.

The way you construct a newsletter can lead to increased sales, opens and click-through rates. Or people just deleting, complaining or unsubscribing from your messages. However, doing it right it will create consistent and active newsletter subscribers that can’t wait for your next email. Whether that would be promotions, deals, or updates.

Your agency deserves to have engagement everywhere, especially using email marketing. Promotional emails have always been annoying to receive, but when your emails are written by Travel Agency Tribes, you will have perfect results.

Many times emails will fall into the spam folder, even by manual action. Imagine all the times you've thrown promotional emails into the trash, just think how many potential clients could be doing the same to your emails.

Of course, there are reasons for this. Here are some quick things you can check if you’re sending the right kind of emails:

Does your email only promote products?
Do people actually click the links in your emails?
Is your content boring?
Is your email engagement next to nothing?
Does your email look like a scam just at a first look?

If your emails are not getting traction (or you’re not doing emails at all), contact Travel Agency Tribes for a consultation. You will get advice on how to write and deliver your email newsletters.

Travel Agency Tribes has been actively managing email marketing for over a thousand travel agencies across the United States and Canada since 2012. Creating the kind of email marketing that brings back your customers to book with you again.

Get customers that come back for more with a newsletter that promotes your travel agency’s products and services in an engaging and informative way. That’s what the Travel Agency Tribes email marketing expertise will do for you.

With an email marketing consultation, you’ll learn about the 360-degree marketing that involves email, social media, website, and lead generation that your travel agency will benefit from. And there are no long term contracts - you can end your service at any time if you’re not satisfied. But if there’s any indication from satisfied customers over many years -- you will be very happy.

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