Age of Travel Agents - Needed Now More Than Ever

Blog Author
Ryan McElroy

At this time, right now, more than ever, our profession is being validated.
Consumers are looking for information. They are searching for someone who they can trust, who can provide them with the latest industry information and present it to them in a way that they can use it to make educated decisions for their next travel experience.

With the current state of the world, life feels like it's been put on pause because everybody is focused on one thing, and we are all caught up in a single moment. This "moment" has forced people to change their perspective on what matters. 

As travel professionals, we already know that memories matter, so we now play even bigger roles to create good memories; especially, in light of this moment. We have to guide our consumers when we do travel planning consultations as we work to deliver these memories. 

Consumers cannot afford to take any risks with their money, and they do not want to take risks with their time. They don't want to have to pause, even more, just to be waiting on the phone as suppliers put them on hold while they both try to figure out what should happen next. Or challenge credit card and insurance companies because they feel like they're being duped. Consumers need to know that they have someone advocating on their behalf.

As travel agents and advisors, you must now pay extra attention to the importance of your relationship with your current, and future customers. This is your opportunity to forge new relationships and grow those already established with individuals who love to explore, get away from their everyday lives from time to time, and make sure that these travelers get value for their money, and make great memories.

As members of the travel industry, it is our job especially now, to ensure that our clients and customers feel safe when they travel, both domestically and internationally. We must use this time to grow our business, and make our contributions to ensuring that when we all go back to traveling, we prove that this comeback is greater than any setback that brought us to this moment. It's now time to work on our business and not just in it, by using this downtime to work out any kinks that have been tabled.

It's guaranteed that when the demand for travel resurfaces, you will be busier than you could ever imagine, and that is because you used this time to work on your business. People will seek you out because your preparations will push your ratings through the roof. Your clients will know that you have been waiting and ready for them. 

Consumers who have never worked with you before will be amazed and appreciative of your service and dedication. They will recognize you as an advisor who cares and works to ensure that the travel memories you will help them to make, are the best ones yet. 

Get ready, the industry needs you!

Let's work together

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