How Travel Agents Can Increase Email Opens

Blog Author
Ryan McElroy

We always get this question at Travel Agency Tribes. “How do we get more people to open our newsletter?”
The answer; make sure that you are using short, appropriate and appealing headlines. Your headlines are what subscribers use to decide if they want to open and read your newsletter.

At Travel Agency Tribes, we pay attention to what is trending in travel news. We keep our headlines as short as possible and incorporate strong words like opportunity or don’t miss out, among others. The human brain sometimes does not want the pressure of having to decide if your newsletter is worth opening. Some people have anxiety when it comes to opening a newsletter or an email from their travel advisor.

Keep your newsletter headlines short, and make them relative. For example, if there is a city, state or town that you get a lot of business from, use that name to get your readers’ attention, but make sure that your content applies especially to people in that area.

Make your newsletter simple and fun. Try the AB testing method to see what works, and use those results to help you to determine what your audience responds to. Then use this information to create newsletters that will convert your increased email or newsletter openings to long-standing customers.

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