How Travel Agents Can Get More Leads With TikTok

Blog Author
Ryan McElroy

Ryan or Travel Agency Tribes, should I be on TikTok?
Just the other day, I was asked this question via our chatbot tool, Drift, on our website.
Drift, by the way, I think you should consider adding to your website so that you can communicate quickly with your website's visitors to answer questions while collecting contact information and add people to your database without lifting a finger after completing the setup. 

But back to the question, the real question that you have to ask yourself is if TikTok has a lot of attention. Remember that marketing is all about creating awareness and having all eyes on you. Right now, TikTok has a lot of attention, and #travel already has billions of views. So if you want to stand out, put your personality on display, and cultivate a young clientele, you should try TikTok.

Side note: a lot of people have actually told me that young people don't want to make their bookings with travel advisors, but I don't buy totally buy that. I believe that young people want to make use of different services, and like any other demographic, they want to talk to someone face to face and be able to address their concerns with another human being.

Now is the time to join TikTok, and use it to capture the attention of younger people with your engaging personality. TikTok provides you with various tools that you can use to showcase your personality and connect with this demographic. 

People don't make travel bookings with just anybody. They make their travel bookings with the people they like and based on the synergy that they have with these people. Young people will work travel advisors who are fun - travel is fun.

Give TikTok a try. Make a few videos, put them out there to get some feedback and see if you like to use that platform. You can also download your videos from TikTok and publish or use them on your website and different social media platforms and use these incorporations to channel followers and subscribers from one platform to another. 

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by giving TikTok a shot. If you become the TikTok travel agent viral sensation in your area, then you are guaranteed to get more business. By dedicating yourself and make an effort to play the long game that is social media, you will become that blueberry tomato soup of qualified travel advisors customers are looking for who will help them with their next trip.

Travellers need you to advise them on how they can use the credits that they have and aren't sure about spending, or if they have health issues coupled with insurance-based concerns. As an advisor, young people need your wealth of knowledge for their consultation that all started because they found you on TikTok.

So what are you waiting on? Go ahead and give Tik Tok a shot, and I'll see you over there!

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